Sunday, August 23, 2009

back in the saddle again

since the marathon, i have run a grand total of 3 times equalling less than 10 miles. seems kinda sad for someone who did 26.2 in one day, but maybe that's just me.

as such, i've been noticing a slight bulge growing above the top of my jeans. that little pudge is widely known in the world of women as the dreaded "muffin top."

i give you exhibit a:

to illustrate how this happened in a mere two point five months, i've created a lovely math problem for you.

(large sweet tooth + lack of exercise) x time = unwanted, but well deserved, muffin top

i recently attended another one of no doubt's concerts in san diego and i sure found some inspiration for working out again. gwen stefani will be forty this year and looks AMAZING. she's had two kids and has washboard abs. i mean just look at her.

i give you exhibit b:

now that i've stopped oggling over her abs, i will tell you that i basically want to be her. she's been my favorite musician since i was 10 and no doubt's tragic kingdom album was one of the first cds i ever owned. so in hopes of looking more like her over the next year, i'm trying to work a new equation into my life:

(large sweet tooth + LOTS of exercise + eating healthier) x time = gwen stefani-like abs

i'll have you know that my first run in a long time was yesterday. it was difficult and today my legs are sore, but it's that first step in getting my ass/abs/legs back in shape.

here we go!