Monday, January 19, 2009

lost in lost

if you have ever watched a single episode of this incredible television series, then i do not have to tell you how AWESOME it is.  even you watched an episode and had no idea what was going on, the suspense still kills you and leaves you wanting more.

for the past month, this has been mike's and my obsession.  a friend from work lent me the entire first season on dvd.  needless to say, we watched every juicy episode as if the world were going to die the next day and watched all 24 (count them, 24) episodes in a few days time.  i know it's a little lame that we did nothing but watch episode after episode, but it's just so tempting when you know the next one is sitting there ready to go.  no need to draw out the suspense of the cliffhangers the writes put into each episode, just push a couple buttons and voila you find out what happens next.  

anyway,  after we finished the first season, we waited patiently for another surfrider employee to watch season 2.  then we got ants in our pants and though we might try to netflix the second season.  the only problem with that is that we have the "one dvd at a time" level so you have to wait days in between sending back one disc and waiting for the next one to arrive.

i decided to check out the lost website and what did i find?  every single lost episode ever aired is online.  AND you can watch them all for free!  i only wished i had found this out sooner.  you do have to sit through a few commercials, but if we watched it on tv we'd have to do the same so i can't really complain.  we are getting into the third season now and hope that we'll be able to catch up to already-in-progress season five.  

this is my shout-out to all you lost fans reading this blog.  but if you do not watch this show, i'm sorry, but there is no shout out for you today.  you should be watching it.  i HIGHLY recommend it.  SOOO GOOOD!!  and maybe someday soon, we can bond over the steamy love triangle between jack, kate, and sawyer.  


Sis said...

Ahhh--you sliipped this one note in and I didn't even catch it! Gotta say I have never seen this show. Maybe it's on past our bedtime? ;o)

Hope you guys are doing good. I have your wedding photos on every day as a slide show it!

Stalker Mom xoxoxoxo