Sunday, August 23, 2009

back in the saddle again

since the marathon, i have run a grand total of 3 times equalling less than 10 miles. seems kinda sad for someone who did 26.2 in one day, but maybe that's just me.

as such, i've been noticing a slight bulge growing above the top of my jeans. that little pudge is widely known in the world of women as the dreaded "muffin top."

i give you exhibit a:

to illustrate how this happened in a mere two point five months, i've created a lovely math problem for you.

(large sweet tooth + lack of exercise) x time = unwanted, but well deserved, muffin top

i recently attended another one of no doubt's concerts in san diego and i sure found some inspiration for working out again. gwen stefani will be forty this year and looks AMAZING. she's had two kids and has washboard abs. i mean just look at her.

i give you exhibit b:

now that i've stopped oggling over her abs, i will tell you that i basically want to be her. she's been my favorite musician since i was 10 and no doubt's tragic kingdom album was one of the first cds i ever owned. so in hopes of looking more like her over the next year, i'm trying to work a new equation into my life:

(large sweet tooth + LOTS of exercise + eating healthier) x time = gwen stefani-like abs

i'll have you know that my first run in a long time was yesterday. it was difficult and today my legs are sore, but it's that first step in getting my ass/abs/legs back in shape.

here we go!


Sis said...

no way sweetie-pie (maybe that will my new nickname for you being that now I know you have a sweet tooth...)....but I cannot believe you have a little bulge. You are so tiny!! and besides...last time I was up there and we had lunch you looked gorgeous! (I told Mike that by the way last time we talked.)'s the deal. You post a picture of your abs every week as you progress in your Gwen Stefani look alike just as Whit is posting a picture of her "baby bump" every week to show her progress!!

We love you kiddo!
Stalker Mom xoxoxo

Derek and Kelsey said...

Kirstin you are hilarious! But I want to know where you found that picture of me and my muffin top!? Haha! I am right there with ya' sista.. Derek and I are starting our running regimen TODAY! And I love Sis' idea to post pics - haha! That would be the ultimate accountability partner! Good luck!

mike and kirstin said...

thank you sis for the confidence boost. you are so sweet. and i don't mind sweetie-pie being my nickname either.

kelsey, you'll have to keep me updated on how your running regimen is going. it's difficult getting back into the swing of things, just keep your eye on the prize! i hope you are doing well--wished you lived closer.

Unknown said...

You do not have a muffin top - you just are very curvy and voluptuous. I agree with Sis -you're beautiful. Good luck with the workouts and diet (you should compare notes with Uncle Dave and his 20 lb weight loss!) See you next week.

Love you.